Happy Days English!
Well, it was an exhausting but rewarding day. Thank you to all of our friends and guests. The weather held out and it didn't rain, although summer is definitely here as it is now hot and humid.
I would like to especially thank and welcome the following new students to Happy Days English:
Shiho, Reina, Noriko, Yuko and Masayuki.
I promise I will do my best to improve your English ability in a fun and relaxing environment.

The day started early at about 5am as I needed to do a lot of outside preparation. Signs needed to be placed, the yard needed to be cleaned up, balloons needed to be blown up, etc. By 9am the place was ready, however, by 9:30 the balloons began to succumb to the breeze and elements and by 10am the majority were lifeless and limp.

The first guests arrived at about the same time so apparently the map on the postcard was up to the task. Our new acquaintance, Maheshika from Sri Lanka, was one of the early arrivers and she stayed for quite awhile. I would like to thank her for her help and support and I look forward to working with her to start up some children's classes very soon. Others continuously trickled in all day and by 4pm I was ready for a rest! It would not come for awhile.

A few of my neighbors decided that the festivities could not officially end until after an assemblage consisting of a variety of foods, beer, and sake. As it turns out this was just what the doctor ordered. It did not help the my tennis game though which I had promised to another neighbor earlier in the day!

Yes, after 12 hours of preparation, meet and greet, and post-party reveling, I needed to don my cape and take up my racket in a tribute to Wimbledon. Finally, at about 10pm, completely and utterly exhausted, I collapsed in bed, spent but fulfilled and happy!
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